Thursday, November 5, 2020

Altar Reflection - Mariana Aguiniga

Mariana Aguiniga

Altar Reflection 

Being from a traditional Latino household I had the impression that ofrendas/altars always followed a similar structure by including certain elements, at least that was something I was accustomed to seeing when growing up. I was very fond of the fact that amongst the Altars/Ofrendas that were created by my fellow peers none looked too alike. Each one took it in a unique direction, I really came to appreciate this. I wasn’t sure how this project in general was going to turn out due to the fact it was something I was used to seeing be done physically by hand however this online approach gave students more creative space to experiment with. In particular I was intrigued with the direction that Altar team 5 took this project in. For example their water element they used an image of the Rio Grande at the very bottom of the altar. As they explained that crossing the rio represents both uncertainty and hope, I think this is where resilience is introduced the risk of starting and completing this journey in aspirations of “a better life”. They also included a candle to represent their fire element, as they had mentioned “With the candles we are memorializing and morning the literal death of so many, but also the death of the lives we all took for granted, while still trying to remain hopeful.” This allowed me to think and reflect on my own life, there is more out there that is greater than me and my problems as an individual and I think that is such a significant thing to take account of. 

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